Public Notice of Intention to Pass a By-Law for
Closure of Unopened Portion of O’Malley Road Allowance
Take Notice that the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of West Elgin proposes to consider a by-law to stop up, close and convey those parcels of land more particularly described as RDAL BTN Lt 16 & 17 Concession 2, Aldborough Township West Elgin. The proposed by-law will come before Council on March 9, 2023 at the Regular meeting of Council. At that time Council will hear in person comments by any person who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected by this closure. Persons may also submit claims in writing to Clerk, Municipality of West Elgin at the address below no later than 9:00 am March 7, 2023.
Note: this shall serve as Public Notice should the adoption of the Unopened Portion of O’Malley Road deferred to a future meeting. Questions and comments may be submitted to:
Jana Nethercott, Clerk
22413 Hoskins Line
Rodney ON N0L 2C0
Dated at the Municipality this 14th day of February 2023.
Jana Nethercott
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