Garbage and Recycling Dos and Don'ts
- Place garbage and recycling curbside by no later than 7 am on your designated collection day
- Garbage can be placed in either clear or black bags.
- If reusable containers are used, the containers must be in good repair and have two handles on either side for easy dumping with lid removed. (West Elgin is not responsible for lost or damaged containers).
- Three (3) garbage bag limit. Excess garbage will not be taken
- Bags and containers cannot weigh more than 44 lbs.
- Two stream recycling system - Fibers and Containers recyclables must be separated into blue bins or clear garbage bags.
- Break down, flatten and bundle your cardboard boxes or stack them flattened in your recycling bin. Cardboard cannot exceed 24"x24"x8" in size
- No limit on the amount of recyclables collected
- Each Blue Bin or container cannot weigh more than 44lbs
- Residents may use containers that are not issued by the municipality as long as they are easily identifiable as recycling. (West Elgin will not replace containers thought to be garbage or recycling by Waste Connections).
Recycling is Unlimited. For tips on how to reduce your garbage bags please see the Updates page.
Garbage and Recycling Collection Calendars
West Elgin provides municipal wide curbside collection of garbage and recycling. View our Collection Maps to see what day is your garbage & recycling is collected.
Garbage is collected weekly and recycling bi-weekly. View the 2025 Garbage and Recycling Calendar to see which week you receive recycling collection. You can pick up a paper copy of the garbage and recycling collection schedule at the Municipal Office located at 22413 Hoskins Line in Rodney.
Please have your garbage and recycling curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the designated days.
Please note West Elgin has a 3 bag limit for household waste.
Municipal Landfill
20385 Downie Line, Rodney, ON
Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
2025 Spring Cleaning Days at Landfill - May 7, 9 & 10
Take large items to landfill and most disposal fees will be waived these days.
Charges will still apply for appliances that contain freon and NO Hazardous Waste.
2025 Yard Waste Day's
Spring collection will take place the week of May 12th. Fall collection will take place the weeks of October 27th and November 24th. Please have bags curbside on the day of collection.
All items must be in brown paper bags and consists of leaves, branches, garden bed material, etc...
Hazardous Waste Collection
We do not accept hazardous waste at the landfill. West Elgin has entered into an agreement with St Thomas Community Recycling Centre, located at 330 South Edgeware Road, St Thomas starting on June 1, 2021.
Residents can take hazardous waste to this location on Wednesdays from 10 am to 4 pm and Saturdays from 8 am to 3 pm, year round.
Accepted Items:
- Aerosol containers
- Propane cylinders
- Fluorescent bulbs/tubes
- Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors
- Fertilizers and pesticides
- Paints and coatings
- Oven and window cleaners
- Batteries household and automotive
- Motor oil
- Disinfectants
- Mercury switches and thermometers
- Pharmaceuticals
- Needles and syringes (in a puncture proof container)
When dropping off hazardous waste please ensure:
- All materials should be in the original or well marked container to indicate the contents
- All containers are securely capped and sealed
- Liquid wastes must be no larger than 20L each. Barrels or drums of waste will not be accepted
- Material will not be decanted, the container and its contents must be left at the depot
Want to see what happens to your blue box items? Watch a video of the Municipal Recycling Facility in London.
All new-construction homes receive two blue boxes. You can purchase a blue box at the Municipal Office for $10 plus tax.
We participate in a two-stream recycling system known as Sort It Right.
Contact Us
Jennifer Vanesse
Admin Assistant, Operations & Community Services
West Elgin Municipality
T. 519-785-0560 ext. 200
F. 519-785-0644
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