
Landfill Restrictions
Posted on Friday, April 03, 2020 02:08 PM
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, starting on April 4, 2020, West Elgin Landfill access is restricted to 5 vehicles at one time. This may cause delays and we encourage all patrons to unload their vehicles and exit the landfill in a timely manner.
West Elgin staff and Council want all residents to stay safe and still provide as many services as we can.

Message to Seasonal Cottagers and Trailer Park Residents
Posted on Friday, April 03, 2020 01:13 PM
Elgin County Warden Dave Mennill issued a statement urging everyone to avoid any non-essential travel, including to rual cottages and seasonal/secondary resiences such as condominiums and trailer parks. The County of Elgin recognizes that while people might like to socially distance themselves at their cottage, trailer and/or seasonal residence during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,now is not the right time. Non-residents of Elgin, who are usually welcome in Elgin County, are...

Canadian Emergency Response Benefit Program
Posted on Friday, April 03, 2020 11:26 AM
The CERB will be available to workers:
- Residing in Canada, who are at least 15 years old;
- Who have stopped working because of COVID-19 or are eligible for Employment Insurance regular or sickness benefits;
- Who had income of at least $5,000 in 2019 or in the 12 months prior to the date of their application; and
- Who are or expect to be without employment or self-employment income for at least 14 consecutive days in the...
Emergency Food Access Programs in Elgin/St Thomas
Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 01:27 PM
Southwestern Public Health has compiled a list of Emergency Food Access Programs in Elgin and St Thomas. In West Elgin:
Caring Cupboard Rodney - Open for operation on an as needed basis. Currently they are answering the phones for requests for food 519-785-2026
Foodland West Lorne - Free delivery within West Elgin. 519-768-1750. Please see their Facebook for updates
Rodney Market - Free delivery or curbside pick up. 519-785-3000. Please see their Facebook for...

Message from Elgin OPP Detachment Commander
Posted on Friday, March 27, 2020 03:56 PM
Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act you can report any non compliance with the short term restictions due to COVID-19 to: 1-888-310-1122.
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